Lessons in Song

Before we start our lesson we need to review our lessons in song.
The early Christians did this and you can find it in Eph. 5:19 speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Why do you think we are told to sing the words of God and about the words of God?   Because singing helps us to remember and helps others to remember what we sing about.

So let's sing the books of the New Testament so that we will remember them.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
Acts, and the letters to the Romans;
1st and 2nd Corinthians
Galatians and Ephesians;
Philippians, Colossians,
1st and 2nd Thessalonians;
1st and 2nd Timothy,
Titus and Philemon;
Hebrews, James, 1st and 2nd Peter;
1st and 2nd and 3rd John,
Jude and Revelation.

Memory verse:
"As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Let's sing about that!
Song--"We will serve the Lord"
(repeated over and over to the tune of "So Early in the Morning" or "The Wheels on the Bus")

We first learned about Joshua when the spies were sent to spy in Canaan.
How did Joshua serve the Lord then?
(He did what was right. He brought back a good report.)
How many spies did what was right? Two spies brought back a good report.
We know one was Joshua. Who was the other one?

Lets sing about the spies.
Song: 12 Men Went to Spy in Canaan

God had promised the people of Israel the land of Canaan if they chose to obey him and do what was right.
This is the reason it was called the "promised" land.
The people of Israel didn't choose to do right, though.
When they heard the reports of the ten spies who were afraid, they were afraid, too, and didn't want to obey God. They didn't believe the report of the 2 spies who said that with God they could take the land.  For 40 years they wandered around in the wilderness outside the promised land and didn't get to go into that land.
God wanted them to keep their promise to believe in him and obey him.
Does he expect us to keep our promise to follow him and do what is right?
If we make a promise to someone does God expect us to keept it?
If we break that promise have we done right?

The next time we studied about Joshua he was leading the people into the promised land.  This is when we learned about God making the walls of what city fall down? What city was that?

Lets sing about it.
Song: Joshua and the Battle of Jericho (Tune: Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho)

God said to march around Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
God said to march around Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
And the walls will come tumbling down.

So Joshua marched the people round Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
So Joshua marched the people round Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
--to see the walls come tumbling down.

Quietly they around Jericho, tippy-toe, Jericho
For seven days they marched around Jericho
Before the walls came

On the seventh day they marched around Jericho
Then, blew the horn and gave a shout
The seventh day they marched around Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down.


Then we learned about a woman of God who sat where?
And what did she do there.
And who did she send for?
And he wouldn't do what God said unless who did?
And what did the king Jabin who lived on Mount Tabor have that made Barak afraid to go alone? 900 Iron Chariots
What did they do when they won the battle?  They sang a song of praise to God.

Song:  Will You Go?
Song: Praise Him, Praise Him, All Ye Little Children

We have a new Bible verse to learn:
Proverbs 4:26 Take heed to the path of your feet, then all your ways will be sure. RSV

And here is a song to help us learn it..
Make a narrow path to follow and sing the song as you try to stay on the path and not get off.
Song: The Farmer in the Dell
Take heed to the path of your feet,
Take heed to the path of your feet,
then all your ways will be sure.
Take heed to the path of your feet.

Another Song to Sing:
Song-Oh Be Careful

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