The Invitation

Near the close of our worship service an invitation is extended to all who, upon Hearing the Gospel preached, have Believed and wish to Repent of their sins, Confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and be Baptized for the remission of sins according to the same pattern that Peter outlined in the 2nd chapter of Acts verses 38-39.

 Peter's first sermon preached in Jerusalem on Pentecost read Acts 2: 14-47.

The first invitation is recorded in Acts 2:38-39

An invitation is also extended to those who were once faithful Christians who wish to repent of their sins and return to Christ, or anyone who has a need of prayer.

If through the Word of God made available on this site you feel that you need to respond to this invitation we implore you to contact us or a Church of Christ near you without hesitation. Bible study and spiritual assistance is available to ALL.

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