by Paul D. Fisher--June 18, 2000

   Father's Day, what does it mean to you? Its meaning has changed for me over
the years. When I was young' it was a day to wear a red rose to church. It was
a day to say, "Thanks Dad for all the things you do." Later, when I became a dad,
it took on a deeper meaning as I began to realize all the responsibilities that go with
the title. Now,being a father and a grandfather it  takes on a special meaning. I look
back at the memory of my own father with warm thoughts and understand him better.

   I look to the future by looking in the eyes of my son. I see the strength of young
manhood and hope and pray that I have been and am being the kind of example he
needs to see to know what being a Christian father is all about. I look into the eyes
of my grandson and see the wonder of new things as he learns to explore his world
in which there are new things every day. Again, I hope and pray that I am being the
example that he needs to see to know what being a Christian grandfather is all about.

   Father's day is a wonderful day to stop and reflect on being a father. It is a time
to think of the great privilege that God has granted men to become fathers,and to
help shape and mold a young mind and soul. It is a time to think that with this
privilege comes great responsibilities, as the apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:4,
"And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the
nurture and admonition the Lord."

   Fathers, notice there are two parts to this verse. One is a negative, "provoke
not." This provoking is done by making too many demands, undue severity when disciplining our children. The other part is a positive, "bring them up in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord." This requires instruction, spiritual and moral nurture as
well as physical (Matt. 4:4). As the children grow older, then we need to give them
admonition, that reasoning for which they should or should not do certain things
(Deut. 6:6-9). Fathers, there will be no greater reward than getting to heaven and
being surrounded by our families! Have a great Father's Day!

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