by Paul D. Fisher
       This last Tuesday as Bryan, Jeff and I were starting to play golf, I came up with a great idea on how to improve my game. I decided that however many strokes it took me to get from the tee box to the cup on the green would be even par, no matter what was posted as par. This way it would sound like I had improved my playing ability greatly.
      Now of course you can see the trouble I was in, try as hard as I might, I could not get any better than even par! I had made myself the standard (which Bryan and Jeff quickly agreed to, both playing well under my even par). The only way I could do any better than even par was to abandon myself as the standard and go back to the course standard as plainly posted at each tee box.
    In a game such as golf, we may do something like this and laugh about it. Sadly though, there are countless millions of people in our world who are doing the same thing with their lives. They have abandoned the true standard which contains the word of eternal life, the Bible, and have replaced it with a false standard. This false standard justifies anything they want to do, because they say someone else is doing worse or is already doing it. In life, your eternal soul is what is at stake and only by following God's standard will you have eternal life.
    Jeremiah recorded these words by inspiration of God, "0 Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" (Jere. 10:23). Solomon wrote, "Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?" Proverbs 20:24). Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto tile Father, but by me" My fliends, life is not a game! Do not abandon the only true standard, Jesus Christ. He is the only way!

 © Copyright 2000. Paul D. Fisher.  All rights reserved.

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