September 10, 2000

"Mom Can I Go To The Homecoming Dance?
by Paul D. Fisher

         Just as sure as school starting in August in Missouri will come the day when
one or more of our children will ask the question, "Mom can I go to the Homecoming Dance?" Parents, how do you answer, what do you say? Is dancing something that
as Christians we can participate in? Is it just a wholesome form of entertainment or exercise? If so, why all the questions asked about dancing? Many have asked
different preachers about dancing and if the answer they receive is not to their
liking they ask others until they find one that agrees with them.

         So, let's examine the question of dancing. Is it something that we as Christians can do and encourage our children to also do? To answer this question let's ask
another fundamental question, "What goes on at a dance?" Some will be quick to
answer "Nothing." If nothing is going on why do people want to go? The dictionary in
my office defines dance as "1 :to glide, step, or move through a set series of
movements usually to music 2: to move quickly up and down or about 3: to perform
or take part in as a dancer." Dances normally take place in a room with low lighting
and loud music. There the dancers move their bodies to the beat of the music,
sometimes in one another's arms and other times just very close to each other.

         Now comes the part that some will raise objection about! Jesus said, "Blessed
are the pure in heart:for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8). Is dancing an activity
which enhances one's ability to keep one's heart pure? Remember, the Bible uses
the word heart for the mind. Now think, a young woman in the arms of a young mini moving their bodies up and down to the beat of the music, is this an activity which
will help both the young man and young woman to keep their minds pure? What if
that young woman is your little girl or the young man your little boy? "But I say unto
you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery
with her already in his heart" (Matthew 5:28). Is dancing an activity that can lead
to lust? I think we all would have to say honestly "YES !"

         Parents, we would not give our children anything that is dangerous or
poisonous, so why would we put them in a situation that could cause them to lose
their eternal soul? Now you might say, "But my child would never look on a boy or a
girl and lust after them!" Do you feel sure enough to risk your child's etemal soul? Why
do we in the Lord's church think our children are not like other people's children when
it comes to emotions? We are told by God to flee youthful lust (2 Timothy 2:22)!
Brothers and sisters, dancing is not a wholesome activity, nor is a school dance something which we should encourage our children to participate in. Explain to your children why you are saying ''NO" to the question of going to the dance. Too many
young lives have been corrupted on the dance floor to risk your children!

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