by Paul D. Fisher Jan 21

   Where did we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here? These are
some of the questions that mankind has asked over the centuries. Open a science
book and you can see man's attempt at answering these questions. Big Bang,
evolution and all other attempts by man to answer these questions fall short of a
satisfactory answer. Mankind spends billions of dollars each year trying to find better
answers, including much of the work of our space program.  Man searches and
searches for answers and yet all the time God has answered these questions and
made the answer available for all to read and understand.

   God opened His book to mankind with the answer to the first question. In the
beginning, God created everything that is good. God does not go into a long scientific
explanation of how He created things because frankly we just would not understand how
He could create something fromnothing. One does not have to go very far into God's
book to learn the answers to the other questions. Often mankind does not like the
answers so they try to come up with their own and they fail. Why not accept the answers
given by someone who was around in the beginning and who, by the way, created us.
He knows the answers to all the questions that you have inside you, even the ones you
do not ask. "In the beginning God created..." Will you not accept His word?"

© Copyright 2001. Paul D. Fisher.  All rights reserved.

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