Pointing a Satellite Dish
by Paul Fisher--Jan 7, 2001

Pointing a satellite dish is kind of like having faith. Here I was in Jarrod's back
yard pointing an 18 inch dish at something I could not see to receive a signal.
These satellites are several thousand miles out in space traveling around the earth
at the same speed that the earth is revolving so that they stay over a given are at
all times.  I gained knowledge from reading the manual and found out just where
to point the dish from the instructions. Then came the test, going out and
putting up the dish to receive the signal. It took time, lots of time, to get it just
right.  Finally, the signal came in, weak at first, then with some minor adjustments
it  came in strong.

Now what does this have to do with anything concerning religion?  Have you ever
seen God? How do you believe in Him? Of course we have never seen God, and
we believe in Him through knowledge gained from His Word.  It is His Word that
tells us which direction we need to be pointed. Just like pointing that satellite dish,
being off just a few degrees keeps us  from receiving the goal.  As we stay focused
on God's Word we gain more strength.

  Pointing that dish is like having faith. You  point it at something you cannot
see but have faith (knowledge + action) that it is there.  You first point it in the
general direction, then with a compass you position closer to the goal.  It takes
several tries to get it just right but finally you do...sometimes just  about the time
you are ready to give up!

Are you searching for the signal?  Get into God's Word, follow His directions, and
you will receive what you are searching for!

© Copyright 2001. Paul D. Fisher.  All rights reserved.

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