by Paul D. Fisher 9/2/01

   Paul addressed a problem that faced those congregations and that was false teachers trying to force
them back into bondage of Judaism. Paul marveled that those Christians were so soon taken from among
the faithful by a false gospel. They had obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ which Paul had preached,
but now, just a few years later, they were giving it up! Paul, by inspiration of God, wrote about the danger of
not following the true gospel of Christ.  He stressed to the Galatians the need to know, obey and keep the true gospel of Jesus Christ, stressing that even if an angel (one that appeared to come from heaven) preached another gospel it was false and not to be followed. He then stressed this point even to include himself, if he, Paul, returned and preached something different not to believe or obey what he at that time taught.

   This is a lesson that is needed today! We have many today who are following a form of the gospel of Christ, but not the true gospel of Christ. Lack of knowledge of God's word is the greatest contributing factor in this following. Sadly, even in the Lord's church today, we are finding people following after false teachers because they do not know God's word. ff the one teaching such doctrine is accursed how much more those who allow themselves to follow after those teachers!

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