by Paul D. Fisher--  9/21/01
This is one of four letter written during the Apostle Paul’s imprisonment at Rome. It was delivered to the congregation at Ephesus by Tychicus (Ephesians 6:21). It may have been one of the letters that became
a circular letter passed from congregation to congregation or at least copies of this letter were passed.
In many respects this letter is parallel to the letter to the Colossians, but each has its differences.
Colossians deals with false doctrine; whereas, Ephesians deals with the peace that only being in Christ
Jesus can bring. This peace is because of the relationship of Christ and Christians. Paul knew first hand
the peace that only Jesus Christ could bring, peace between God and man through Christ’s sacrificial
death on the cross and His resurrection. Paul left Ephesus because of a riot started by Demetrius, the silversmith, against Paul and Christianity because it was cutting into his business. No doubt, this caused
some to rethink their faith and they were in need of this letter from Paul some years later to remind them
of the great peace they received in Christ Jesus. It is through this epistle that we also learn more of the
eternal purpose of God, through His church, that this church was not just an afterthought. We also learn
that all spiritual blessings are in Christ, that there are no spiritual blessings outside of Christ. Christ is the
focal point of the whole Bible. Are you focused on Christ?

by Paul D. Fisher

September 11, 2001 woke Americans up to the fact that we can never be too far away from terrorist
groups to be attacked. For years, the conflict was overseas, always away from home and out of our minds except when something happened to make the news. Suddenly, that Tuesday morning the news centered
right here in our own home, two cities bombed with our own planes. The reality of war was brought to our doorstep and kicked the door down, we are at war!

Sometimes, as Christians, we have the same feeling that we as Americans had before Sept 11, 2001.
We have read passages in God’s Word that speak of the fact that we are the army of God and we have
a warfare to fight, but somehow the reality of those passages had never sunk in. As Christians, we are
fighting the ultimate terrorist, Satan! He can come right in amongst us, often without our knowing that he
is anywhere near until he strikes and takes one of our number.

The apostle Paul was very aware of how Satan works throughout the world to spread his own special kind
of terrorism. In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul by inspiration of God, pointed out that being a Christian
was to become the enemy and target of Satan. In chapter six of Ephesians, Paul made several points that
would do us well to keep in our remembrance. First and foremost is the fact, to stand against Satan we
must be standing in the Lord and it is His power that we need to draw upon to defeat Satan (v. 10). In
verse 12, it is pointed out that our warfare is not a physical warfare, but against principalities, against
powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world; against spiritual wickedness in high places. To stand against these things, we must put on the whole armor of God, not only put on the armor, but know how to use it
for our protection. Plus, know the positive way in which to use the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:13-17). This armor must be accompanied with prayers, supplication, watching, perseverance and supplication for all

This is not a war we can back away from and be safe or win. This is a war, total war, because the outcome of this war is eternal. Too many Christians are on leave or are A. W. O. L., even though they might attend
every service. They do not realize that they are in danger of being taken captive by the enemy. Are you fighting this war every day or have you been taken captive?

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