by Paul D. Fisher  June 24, 2001

The name Daniel means God is judge. Daniel was of the line of the kings of Judah, therefore a descent of David. He was about twenty years old at the time of his deportation into Babylonian captivity. Daniel rose in favor of King Nebuchadnezzar and became a man of power not only in the Babylonian Empire but also in the Medo-Persian Empire which followed. The book of Daniel shows us God's concern and care for His people even in captivity. Daniel and his friends faced death and discouragement many times but their faith in God came shining through to us today just as bright as it did when they were living.

The book of Daniel is divided into two major divisions. Chapters 1-6 are the historical section and chapters 7-12 are the apocalyptic section. It is through the book of Daniel that we are given a glimpse of when the Messiah would be coming. Much of the confusing doctrine of Pre-millennialism is based upon misunderstanding the prophecies of Daniel, especially chapter nine and the seventy weeks. Jesus made it clear when He spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem, that the doctrine of Pre-millennialism is false and not at all what chapter nine of the book of Daniel revealed. Daniel revealed how God is in control of ail things in this world that He created and faith in Him is the most important thing we can have!

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